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New program from Open Generation 5G Consortium provides field and lab test resources and technical support for product teams and developers to test and validate their 5G devices, applications and solutions
Though more and more organizations and industries are adopting 5G for their business operations, there has yet to be industry-led voluntary validation to denote 5G readiness achievements. Today, at Mobile World Congress North America, MITRE Engenuity Open Generation 5G Consortium unveils 5G Ready, a program designed to do just that.
5G Ready is a validation program designed to accelerate 5G hardware and software integration while providing trusted performance evaluation for 5G-enabled devices, solutions, and applications across industries such as aviation, public safety, smart cities, and agriculture.
5G Ready widens access to MITRE Engenuity Open Generation 5G Consortium resources, such as multiple 5G SA outdoor and indoor test environments, MITRE engineering and drone innovation technical assistance and independent third-party validation of 5G capabilities and achievements.
5G Ready Profile: Inspired Flight
Open Generation 5G Consortium teamed together with Inspired Flight Technologies in a pilot initiative to advance the development of the 5G Ready program. In this pilot, 5G provided technical support to Inspired Flight’s product and engineering teams for advanced hardware and software integration, including the incorporation of a NDAA-compliant Telit modem. Flight tests demonstrated full stack integration and new capabilities including flying C2 and BVLOS on the Open Generation 5G SA Network powered by Nokia and Verizon Wireless.
“Working with MITRE Engenuity’s Open Generation 5G Consortium, Inspired Flight was able to significantly speed up 5G integration into our aircraft and allowed our team to focus on validating command and control through cellular communication in a real world environment. Their team of experts streamlined integration and allowed our proof of concept to fly C2 and BVLOS over 5G in just 6 weeks, “ said Marc Stollmeyer, Co-Founder and Director of Product.
Inspired Flight is the UAS OEM to achieve 5G Ready validation in the United States. This Validation is structured into a two level hierarchy.
Level 1: iNDAA-compliant 5G modem integration, C2 over 5G, and multi-network operation.
Level 2: Device performance at the network edge by accomplishing a mission requiring AI/ML at the network edge and BVLOS over 5G.
“Within one week in the field with Open Generation 5G Consortium we were able to push our product roadmap more than we expected.” – Marc Stollmeyer, Co-Founder and Director of Product
Inspired Flight validated its IF1200A’s 5G capabilities at the New York UAS Test Site located at Griiffiss International Airport in Rome, New York, the only UAS facility in the country with dedicated 5G SA test and validation capabilities. Flight operations, network management and spectrum provided in partnership with Open Generation 5G Consortium by NUAIR, Nokia and Verizon.
“5G Ready helps companies to have a competitive advantage by speeding their roadmap to leverage 5G APIs at the network edge that deliver low latency and high bandwidth services to power new remote, autonomous operations, smart systems and automation across devices, solutions and applications,” said Heather Blanchard, Managing Director, Open Generation 5G Consortium.
To learn more about how you can validate your device, application or solution or become an industry partner to support advanced integration and interoperability download the 5G Ready Info Deck or email us at opengeneration@mitre-engenuity.org
About MITRE Engenuity Open Generation 5G Consortium
The MITRE Engenuity Open Generation 5G Consortium is a privately funded research, development and innovation community. We bring together the wireless ecosystem to share insights, research, experimentation, and innovation to advance the use of 5G for public good. To learn more on how to become a member, validate NDAA-compliant 5G devices, share spectrum, fund open R&D projects or sponsor our 5G Innovation Summit. For more information regarding MITRE Engenuity Open Generation 5G Consortium visit https://mitre-engenuity.org/5g/open-generation/ or email us at opengeneration@mitre-engenuity.org
About Inspired Flight
Founded in 2017 in San Luis Obispo, CA, Inspired Flight is an industry-leading US-based team specializing in the design, development, and manufacturing of small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS). Their highly capable drone platforms incorporate innovative hardware and software designs to provide tailored industrial-grade solutions, trusted by both commercial and government customers alike. For more information regarding Inspired Flight, visit www.InspiredFlight.com or contact sales@inspiredflight.com