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Informing Legal & Regulatory Processes: Marrying Industry Advancement with Local & Federal Regulations

Moderated by Ken Stewart, this panel features in depth analysis of current regulations and the legal framework of expanded drone operations from two experienced lawyers, Zaida McGhee and Tyler Hazen. Covering Remote ID, the FAA’s impact on innovation, and impending privacy concerns, this robust conversation is a must-watch for anyone interested in the regulatory landscape of UAS innovation. 

Revolutionary technology brings resistance

This phrase is perhaps the most critical topic brought up in this panel as McGhee and Hazen go through the different elements, from local to federal, that are adapting (often hesitantly) to current and future drone operations. (Reference: http://angulomcghee.com/Firm-Law-Books-Publications)

Citing California law, Hazen speaks on the possibilities that Remote ID can offer for incidents involving drones and people, especially when the drone operator can’t be immediately identified. (Reference: https://pilotinstitute.com/drones/states/california/)

Throughout the panel, this lively discussion touches on a few of the most critical aspects facing the regulatory landscape: privacy, reliability, safety, and automation. These topics impact everything from community buy-in to local and federal regulatory discussions. One of the most important topics touched on is the public perception of increased drone operations. As the panelists note, for much of the public, their image of a drone is an Amazon or Walmart vehicle flying by their house with a camera, potentially spying on them and trespassing. The reality is that the UAS industry has to face this perception and make sure to educate the public on the positive impact of current and future drone operations – particularly infrastructure inspections that not only save lives, but also taxpayer dollars. 

To end their discussion, Stewart, McGhee, and Hazen note that regulators are in a tough bind, as they can’t be overly prophylactic to the point of inhibiting innovation, while at the same time need to make sure that the public isn’t scared of adopting this groundbreaking technology.  

Watch for yourself here:

Moderator: Ken Stewart, President and CEO, NUAIR

Panelists: Tyler Hazan, Managing Partner, Angulo McGhee, A Professional Law Corporation; Zaida McGhee, Founding Partner, Angulo McGhee, A Professional Law Corporation

2022 Open Generation 5G Summit – Informing Legal and Regulatory Processes Panel Discussion